Magic Wood

Access & Ethics

Access to Magic Wood is fragile. Please camp in a designated site or rent a room at the guest house. People who "free camp" not only give climbers a bad name, risk access to MW, and risk involvement with the police but also cause trouble for the manager of the campground who takes great efforts to protect it. There is a trail leaving from the far end of the campground and one at the other end of the forest closer to the Edelweiss Gasthaus.

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Bodhi campground which has a trail leading straight to the boulders.

5 Swiss francs or 5 euros per night

Toilets, water, open shelter

Access to Magic Wood is fragile. Please camp in a designated site or rent a room at the guest house.

People who "free camp" not only give climbers a bad name, risk access to MW, and risk involvement with the police but also cause trouble for the manager of the campground who takes great efforts to protect it.


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